Some Guidelines on Being a Leader, AND We Are All Leaders!
Based on my observations and experiences
I’ve worked in many different situations and environments. I’ve been the boss and I’ve had a boss. Here’s the thing. It doesn’t matter at which end of the spectrum you are. You are a leader.
Why I Believe We’re All Leaders
If you’re the boss, clearly you must lead. If you’re not, maybe you’re responsible for the supervision of a few people. Or, even if you don’t have a supervisory role, you have coworkers, and that means you still have the opportunity, and the responsibility, to exude leadership qualities.
I’ve made a point of leading no matter the position I’m in. I now am embarking on starting my own business, where I will be the boss. I have to credit my last work environment for giving me the extra push I needed to go out on my own.
I had a boss who was not a leader, and when I tried to assist her with leading, she subtly undermined my attempts to do so. I didn’t see it at first, but I started to feel it.
No matter the position you work, you should be able to lead in a way that is appropriate to the position, AND you should be encouraged to lead.