I Couldn’t Understand Why the Customer Representative Thanked Me

Or why she felt she should

Merre Larkin
3 min readFeb 15, 2024
Man yelling into a telephone
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

I had to call my credit card company a few days ago. My credit card had been declined, and I suspected it was because I was getting a new card, but it hadn’t arrived yet.

I knew I needed to talk to an actual person, which can take some time now on customer services lines. Depending on the company, you can get disconnected for stating you’d like to talk to a human! With this company, it didn’t take too long. I informed the animated feature that I needed to talk to a representative, and I waited for about ten minutes for someone to answer, which wasn’t too bad.

The person who answered was a woman. She sounded young, and polite. She asked me why I was calling. I told her my dilemma, that I needed to be able to use my card until my new one came.

She said that she would need my approval to activate my current card. I immediately became suspicious, wondering why she needed my approval to do something I hadn’t had to do with any other credit card when I was waiting for a new card.

I told her I was confused, and I explained why. I didn’t get nasty or irritated. I told her matter-of-factly why I didn’t understand. She calmly took me through the situation, explaining why my card wasn’t working. Then…



Merre Larkin

Writer of nonfiction (memoir, essays), fiction, and poetry. Life/writing coach. Educator. Marathoner. Avid reader. Here to share, here to learn.