How to Find the Courage to Write for This New World of Publishing

An “old school” approach

Merre Larkin
7 min readOct 19, 2023
Old typewriter with a poem on a sheet of paper in it
Photo by jules a. on Unsplash

I have left full-time employment (because I could). My children, whom I raised as a single mom, are grown and on their own. No more obstacles (job). No more scheduling conflicts (kids). I now can devote time to getting published.

Except what happened? Getting published is scarier than it used to be. Haters?! Banned books?! Fake news?!

No, I haven’t been living in a cave somewhere. I’m aware of what’s been going on. But to choose to join in? It’s intimidating, to say the least.

My history with writing (the short version)

I used to dabble in writing when I was a kid. I started my fair share of journals that would fall to the wayside.

In high school, I did well in English class. I started to excel in math and science, though, so I gravitated towards engineering in college.

I didn’t love engineering, but it promised a good job, and I was capable in most of my courses. I figured I’d find my way in the engineering field after I graduated.

I probably would have. However, in between my sophomore and junior years in college, I fell backwards down steps while stretching to go running and suffered a…



Merre Larkin

Writer of nonfiction (memoir, essays), fiction, and poetry. Life/writing coach. Educator. Marathoner. Avid reader. Here to share, here to learn.